The Smyslov Variation was developed by World Chess Champion Vasily Smyslov and used in top level competitions by him and by other World Champions. One advantage is that it can be used frequently. If White plays 1. d4 and Black responds with 1. ...d5, White will almost always play 2. c4. Then after the natural moves 2. ...dxc4 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. e3, Black can play 4. ...g6 which is the Smyslov Variation. The Smyslov Variation is a form of the Queen's Gambit Accepted.
The Smyslov Variation was developed by World Chess Champion Vasily Smyslov and used in top level competitions by him and by other World Champions. One advantage is that it can be used frequently. If White plays 1. d4 and Black responds with 1. ...d5, White will almost always play 2. c4. Then after the natural moves 2. ...dxc4 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. e3, Black can play 4. ...g6 which is the Smyslov Variation. The Smyslov Variation is a form of the Queen's Gambit Accepted. Smyslov's Variation is inspired by the Gruenfeld Defense but easier to play because there isn't a lot of deep theory to absorb. The basic idea is to establish a safe castled position and aim to undermine White's center with an eventual ...e5 or play on the queenside, using knights to infiltrate the light squares. Smyslov's preferred plan is to bring the Nf6 to the queenside via d7, bring the bishop to g4 to eliminate the Nf3, and then play ...e5.
Product Specifications
More Information
Eric Schiller
168 Pages
Publication Date
April 5, 2011
Notation Type
AN - Algebraic
Book Binding Type
Book Edition
This is a Modern Reprint of a Classic Book
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